

Charlotte Edwardes is a writer and award winning journalist.

Kit Harington

Kit Harington

Kit Harington: ‘I went through some pretty horrible stuff. Things that have happened to me… were of a pretty traumatic nature’

The actor tells Charlotte Edwardes about surviving alcohol addiction and depression — and the first fatiguing months of fatherhood

Kit Harington: “I have a child and my relationship is brilliant … I’m a very, very happy, content, sober man.”

Saturday August 7 2021, 5.00pm, The Times

Every morning, shortly before he wakes up his six-month-old baby, Kit Harington rings his mother to express thanks, such is the revelatory insight he now has into parenthood. And, yes, it’s also for help when he gets the baby out of his crib, but, mostly, “I can’t believe I took them for granted like that. I look at our boy and I’m, like, ‘I’m never going to get the thanks that I deserve for changing all these nappies and looking after you!’ ” The baby — Harington and his wife, the actress Rose Leslie, do not wish to make his name public— was born at University College Hospital in London in January. Harington has a phobia of needles and fainted at one antenatal, so no,he did not cut the cord. “I’m a real wimp when it comes to blood and pain.” His impression of the event is still his profound shock: “I remember saying over and again, ‘It’s a baby. It’s a baby. It’s a baby.’ ”... …read the full article in the The Sunday Times Magazine

Guy Hands

Guy Hands

Gen Z Activists of Sheikh Jarrah, Jerusalem

Gen Z Activists of Sheikh Jarrah, Jerusalem