

Charlotte Edwardes is a writer and award winning journalist.

Sir Billy Connolly

Sir Billy Connolly

Billy Connolly: ‘I think about death quite a lot now. I don’t think I’ve got that long’

The comedian talks to Charlotte Edwardes about Parkinson’s, retirement and his long life in stand-up

I’m having a bit of a sad time,” Billy Connolly says when I ask how he is. “Nothing’s working.” His shoulder twitches in a shrug. This is the effect of Parkinson’s disease and “happens every now and again”, he says. He has tried a range of alternative treatments, including cannabis, “but I get bombed out of my head. And I don’t like it. My daughter bought me cigarettes with CBD. It helped a little, but not enough to write home about.” He never was good at “dope”. His friends teased him for his “five-cents-a-day habit”. He’d like the feeling for a minute but then “wish it would go away and let me be”. Instead he practises daily meditation and takes seven boring prescription pills. “They keep me steady. I seem to be on the medium to mild side. Take a walk on the mild side.”

He’s in the car, stationary in the driveway of his house in Florida, because that’s the only place he can get a signal, and he’s looking at me on the screen of his daughter’s phone. Outside the air is humid. He’s wearing a black T-shirt and tiny round wizardy specs, like goggles against his powder-white hair. He seems, not helpless exactly, but bewildered without the furious energy that made Connolly the big, angry Scottish stand-up, humour like a flashing steel blade. He’s upright and sombre in his chair, looking like a Russian Orthodox priest. Then the picture freezes and disappears, and we have to continue just on the phone.

read the full article on The Times

Tom Daley

Tom Daley

Mark Carney

Mark Carney