

Charlotte Edwardes is a writer and award winning journalist.

Iris Goldsmith

Iris Goldsmith

We loved her fiercely: Parents of Iris Goldsmith, 15, tell of their 'spectacular' daughter, who wanted to save the world

The last film Ben Goldsmith made of his daughter Iris was on holiday in Bequia, Saint Vincent, at Easter. She’s there with her brothers and a friend, face pink and freckled from the sun, damp blonde hair pulled into an unselfconscious ponytail, denim miniskirt slightly off-centre. She’s walking down to the wild beach in the way teenagers do, a note of defiance in her step. Then she looks around, at the sea grass and palm trees, and sees plastic washed up on the shore, and she turns and says to her father, “We should come down here and do a clean-up.” …read the full article on the Evening Standard

Harriet Harman

Harriet Harman

Richard Madden

Richard Madden