

Charlotte Edwardes is a writer and award winning journalist.

Jane Gottschalk

Jane Gottschalk

Jane Gottschalk: the coconut water queen

Do you know who would love the Gottschalks? Jay Gatsby. He’d think they were fabulous. In fact, he’d applaud the whole generation of London-international money of which they’re a part, these stratospheric super-rich: people who live globally with multiple businesses, billions in Swiss banks, to whom nothing is too vulgar, too obviously rolling-in-it.

At least, this is what I’m thinking as I drive through the gates of the Gottschalks’ Henley estate, down miles of gravel, past pedicured lawns and tennis courts, and circle the splendid fountain planted in front of the neo-Georgian mansion.

And this is just one of their houses. There are five. There’s the multi-storey beachside home in Hong Kong, currently their main residence…Read the full article on The Times

Dame Diana Rigg

Dame Diana Rigg

Andrew Roberts

Andrew Roberts