

Charlotte Edwardes is a writer and award winning journalist.

George Osborne

George Osborne

George Osborne: how Boris and Matt Hancock should handle the virus

I’ve never seen George Osborne in jeans. Or for that matter with a suntan. And look, he has New Balance trainers, a subtle blue line along the sole picking up the cornflower colour of his open-necked shirt. I thought he only wore suits. He’s standing on the drive of his rented Somerset house next to a Maserati. The sun is bright, the garden is in bloom, the birds are singing and I can’t help but think, well, this is nice.

Osborne, 49, has just put to bed the London Evening Standard, the newspaper he now edits (yes, he acknowledges, it’s ironic to put out the capital’s paper from Somerset). He’s done a quick radio interview on the economy and is squeezing me in before... read the full article on The Times

Vinnie Jones

Vinnie Jones

Jeremy Hunt

Jeremy Hunt